Zítra máme první jarní den! Je třeba radovat se z maličkostí! Tomorrow is the first spring day! We should cherish the little moments!
Vážené a milé klientky RSM,
zítra máme první jarní den. Stalo se tradicí, že každý rok Vám v tento den posíláme malý pozdrav jara. I letos jsme byli připraveni potěšit Vás jarní květinou, avšak vzhledem k situaci, která teď panuje u nás i ve světě, nám přišlo nevhodné a nezodpovědné posílat kurýry s květinami do 250 kanceláři, kde bychom řadu z Vás asi ani nezastihli.
Ráda bych Vám alespoň takto popřála hezké prožití prvního jarního dne a pevně věřím, že nejpozději příští rok na tuto tradici navážeme!
Finanční prostředky, které jsme měli vyčleněné na květiny a kurýry, věnujeme na pomoc potřebným v této situaci.
Děkuji vám tedy touto cestou za spolupráci a důvěru v uplynulém roce, přeji hodně zdraví vám i vašim blízkým a finanční zdraví vašim firmám.
S pozdravem
Dear RSM Clients, Tomorrow is the first spring day. It has become a tradition that we send you a small greeting on this day. Even this year, we were ready to delight you with a spring flower. However, given the current situation in our country and around the world, we found it inappropriate and irresponsible to order a delivery of flowers to 250 offices by courier, where we probably would not catch many of you. At least like this, I would like to wish you the best of the first spring day, and I believe that we will continue this tradition at the latest next year. All the money previously budgeted to buying flowers and ordering couriers will be donated to help people in need to cope with the current situation. I, therefore, thank you for your cooperation and trust in the last year. I wish you and your family to be healthy as well as to your firm a good financial health. Kind regards, Monika
Dear RSM Clients, Tomorrow is the first spring day. It has become a tradition that we send you a small greeting on this day. Even this year, we were ready to delight you with a spring flower. However, given the current situation in our country and around the world, we found it inappropriate and irresponsible to order a delivery of flowers to 250 offices by courier, where we probably would not catch many of you. At least like this, I would like to wish you the best of the first spring day, and I believe that we will continue this tradition at the latest next year. All the money previously budgeted to buying flowers and ordering couriers will be donated to help people in need to cope with the current situation. I, therefore, thank you for your cooperation and trust in the last year. I wish you and your family to be healthy as well as to your firm a good financial health. Kind regards, Monika