Sustainability and ESG

ESG – an obligation but also an opportunity we can help you manage

Sustainable business is not only a modern trend, it is an obligation and a necessary step for the future existence and economic growth of your company.

Whether you see ESG as your future or just want to meet the necessary minimum requirements, we’re happy to help.

We take a rational approach to ESG, communicating in clear, simple terms so that you meet your obligation while using your funds efficiently, maintaining your place in the market, accessing funding and satisfying your stakeholders.

We provide comprehensive advice on ESG and non-financial reporting.

Introductory package

Is ESG new to you? Do you want to get to grips with this issue and find out what applies to your company and from when, without a major initial investment of time or money?

For this purpose, we have prepared an introductory service package that includes:

  • Initial introduction to ESG – orientation to Czech and international legislation, summary of reasons, requirements, obligations and criteria and timeframe for introducing ESG into your company.
  • Materiality assessment – double materiality assessment, assessment of risks and opportunities for sustainable development.
  • Initial analysis of the current situation – identification of your company’s strengths and weaknesses.
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Training and workshops

Are you starting out with ESG and need to introduce yourself or your employees to the subject?

We will be happy to tailor a training or workshop to cover your needs.

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Materiality analysis

Need to determine what ESG topics are relevant to you, given your business type, company culture, stakeholders, etc.? We will be happy to help you conduct a materiality test to help you identify material topics and determine KPIs for creating an ESG strategy and for non-financial reporting purposes.

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Supply chain analysis

Do you need to analyse your suppliers and adjust contractual relationships to achieve your sustainability goals?

We can help you introduce new rules into your business relationships with your suppliers. Whether it’s modifying contract documentation, adjusting purchasing rules, data collection or procurement procedures to align with your ESG strategy goals.

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GAP Analysis

We will help you identify gaps in each ESG area in relation to your relevant topics and recommend suggestions for improvement.

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Business Transformation

Implementing the principles of sustainable business requires a number of changes, such as implementing new company processes for collecting new types of data and technologies, adjusting guidelines, setting accountability and introducing new roles within ESG.

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ESG Strategy

We can help you develop an ESG strategy that is tailored to your sector, size, profile and ambitions, and that is in line with international standards and the requirements of your stakeholders.

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Calculating your carbon footprint

We can help you calculate your company’s or product’s carbon footprint in accordance with the latest ESRS standards according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) methodology. The resulting report can then be used for auditing purposes or shared with your business partners.

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Non-financial reporting

Producing an ESG report is not only a new requirement but also an opportunity to present your business to your business partners, investors, clients and employees.

The creation of a Sustainability Report is a process that involves delineating relevant areas, collecting and analyzing data and key parties, and determining the company’s ESG strategy.

We can help you develop a Sustainability Report in accordance with the requirements of the CSRD, ESG standards and the EU Taxonomy so that it can be subsequently audited.

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ESG due diligence

Due diligence is a process aimed at identifying and addressing actual and potential negative impacts of a company’s activities on human rights and the environment and identifying risks associated with corporate governance.

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ESG rating

As part of our consulting services, we can help you develop recommendations and actions and set a strategy to improve your company’s ESG score.

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Sustainable financing

We are happy to support you to meet bank requirements or explore new financing options with an emphasis on sustainability. In addition to regulation, innovative approaches to financing such as green or social bonds are emerging.

With our help, you will select the optimal financing method and we will guide you through the entire transaction process.

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Carbon duty

We will support you in the implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).

We can help you:

  • Familiarise yourself with the CBAM.
  • Analyse imported products in the light of the CBAM definition.
  • Analysing your contractual relationships and communications with suppliers.
  • Creating and submitting CBAM reports.
  • Preparing internal guidelines.
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Your contact persons

Zuzana Kubíková

Head of Management Consulting

Anna Pačesová

Head of Corporate Services