Real Estate Valuation
For each property, we will recommend the ideal valuation method and the most appropriate format for the output, tailored to the specific purpose for which the valuation results will be used.
No matter the nature of your valuation requirements, RSM CZ is your optimal choice. We boast extensive experience in valuing residential, office, and retail properties, alongside other commercial real estates. Our expertise also extends to the valuation of hotels, logistics and industrial sites, as well as development projects and land. We are adept at conducting valuations for individual projects and extensive portfolios alike. Our clientele includes leading investors, property owners, and tenants.
What will we prepare for you?
In the realm of real estate valuation, we are pleased to offer a range of services, including the preparation of expert reports, market valuations, specialist letters, economic analyses, and other professional assessments. Our services are particularly focused on the following domains:
- Acquisition, sale or indication of purchase price.
- Determination of market value.
- Arranging bank financing.
- Corporations Act requirements – non-cash deposits of real estate.
- Requirements of the Act on Transformations of Companies and Cooperatives – mergers, divisions, spin-offs of part of the assets.
- Valuation for the purposes of investment companies and funds – revaluation prior to acquisition into the fund’s portfolio or further by periodic revaluation of the fund’s assets.
- One-off or recurring fair value measurements for IFRS and US GAAP purposes.
- Purchase price allocation (PPA).
- Determination of rent or lease payments.
- Valuation of development projects at various stages of the project.
- Transfer pricing – intra-group prices must be set at arm’s length for tax purposes, typical cases may be intra-group property sales or leases.
- Valuation of property for investors and developers with allocation of the purchase price of the property for VAT law purposes.
- Valuation of technical improvements and construction rights.
- Administrative valuation in cases where the relevant statutory regulation refers to the Property Valuation Act.
- We are also prepared to prepare expert reports for litigation purposes or revision expert reports.
- We base our awards on our knowledge of the local real estate market and experience gained from our involvement in major real estate projects.
- We consult with our tax specialists or specialist attorneys on aspects of real estate or real estate company valuation, if necessary.
- Our deliverables are presented as standard to auditors, attorneys or financing banks following client assignments.
- We propose to prepare the valuation in the optimal form of output in relation to the agreed purpose of the valuation.
- We are ready to prepare the valuation in the form of milestones – indicative valuation and subsequent refinement into the final form.