IFRS statements
Are you among the entities required to maintain accounts and prepare financial statements in compliance with International Accounting Standards?
Who is required to prepare IFRS financial statements?
Are you an issuer of investment securities admitted to trading on a European regulated market, or are you part of a consolidation entity that prepares consolidated financial statements under IFRS?
With the introduction of the new Accounting Act, the range of entities required to prepare IFRS financial statements has expanded significantly.
IFRS accounts and IFRS reporting
We offer comprehensive services in the preparation of financial statements (be they regular, interim, or consolidated) in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), including the preparation of related documentation in compliance with legal requirements.
For monthly, quarterly, or annual reporting purposes, we will furnish you with a reporting package that adheres to IFRS standards.
Conversion of accounting from Czech Accounting Standards to IFRS
If you are uncertain about how to accurately convert your accounting records, which are currently maintained in accordance with Czech accounting standards, to IFRS, we are here to assist. Our specialists are equipped to guide you through this process and ensure that the accounting data you submit is properly converted from CAS to IFRS-compliant data.