Rudolf Hájek
About Rudolf
Rudolf Hájek is a senior manager at RSM CZ with over 15 years of experience in corporate valuation, litigation valuation, transfer pricing, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and valuation of a wide range of intangible assets. Prior to joining RSM CZ, he worked as a financial analyst at the Securities Commission and later as an analyst at the Czech Export Bank.
Rudolf Hájek has led hundreds of projects for major Czech and international groups (CEZ, CPI Group, AVG Technologies Group). In the area of transfer pricing he dealt with, for example, the assessment of relationships in the Czech Aeroholding Group. In the area of litigation, he has assessed damages not only at the level of the value of companies (shares), but also in connection with specific projects, e.g. in the energy and food industry or IP projects. Rudolf is fluent in English.
- University of Economics in Prague.