Lenka Zdražilová

Head of Transaction Advisory Services

About Lenka

Lenka Zdražilová is an expert with extensive experience in controlling, accounting and tax issues. She holds an international certificate IES – Tax Professional, which she obtained in 2003. In 2022, Lenka was included among the TOP inspiring women of the Czech financial business project FinŽeny. Currently, she works at RSM CZ as the Head of Transaction Department. She specializes in financial due diligence, acquisitions and transaction advisory, coordination and management of merger and demerger projects and securing bank financing.


Lenka has been involved in many key projects at RSM CZ, including CIMEX, CS Cargo, CEZ, Segro Czech Republic, ING Bank, Agrowest, JCDecaux, TEDOM, Otavské strojírny, UNIPETROL, IMMOTEL, Partners, EPG Varyada Karlovy Vary, ELEKTRO WORLD and INVIA. Prior to joining RSM, she worked for six years at CIMEX INVEST, one of the largest investment companies in the Czech Republic. In this role, she specialized in tax aspects of merger and restructuring projects and transfer pricing. As a senior controller, she was responsible for controlling 25 subsidiaries and was also responsible for financial analysis and reporting to the parent company’s management. Lenka speaks English.


  • IES International Certificate

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