“War tax” in sight
A Europe-wide discussion on the potential adoption of a windfall tax began already in the first half of the year, driven by the global situation over the last months, in particular the ongoing war in Ukraine. Many member states , including the Czech Republic, are now in the process of implementing this kind of taxation.
Windfall tax
On Thursday, 6 October, the Finance Minister presented the basic framework of an amendment to the Income Tax Act introducing the windfall tax. The Government is going to make every effort to ensure that the amendment takes effect before 1 January 2023, either as part of the amendment to the tax package currently before the second reading in the Chamber of Deputies or as a separate amendment to the Income Tax Act. This temporary emergency tax is expected to apply from 2023 to 2025. The essence of the newly announced tax is a 60% tax surcharge applied to windfall profits, which is to be determined by comparing the tax base for the current year with the average of historical tax bases for the 2018-2021 period; this average will be increased by 20% for comparison purposes. However, it will by no means apply to all income tax payers. The windfall tax targets extremely profitable major businesses operating in the following economic sectors:- mining and processing of black coal;
- extraction of oil and natural gas;
- production of coke and refined petroleum products;
- generation, transmission and distribution of electricity;
- production of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through pipelines;
- wholesale of liquid fuels and related products;
- wholesale of gaseous fuels and related products;
- transport through oil pipelines;
- transport through gas pipelines;
- financial intermediation, excluding insurance and pension funding, if the taxpayer is a bank (excluding the central bank).
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